Dear valued reader,

We have reached the last weeks of the year 2020 and even though many of us wish for some peaceful days we realize that the effects of this year’s pandemic crisis are just beginning to hit us in full force. While standard operations for the airline sector are still far from coming back to former levels after this year’s fundamental disruption due to severe national and international travel restrictions the transaction market has developed into a busy segment. The same seems to be valid for the business jet market since demand has been recovering especially for the light and super light jets whereas large size and long range cabins still lack behind 2019 figures.

For these reasons’ assets are changing owners and support is required on all hands. Transactions require local support to cover all Asset Management and Continuing Airworthiness Management related tasks. Globalization is experiencing new solutions since contracting is replacing business travelling to a larger extent than ever. Maybe a lasting development for the future built on trust and initially on higher risk.

SAC is seeing a new wave of transaction demand due to commercial operators and airlines redelivering aircraft to lessors but also due to private investors realizing the opportunity to take advantage of lower prices. Aircraft getting stored or phased out for good need to be moved and in many cases disassembled into sellable parts – causing the power plant market to develop its own dynamic and building up pressure on prices. Specialty companies i.e. focusing on forest fire fighting see chances to take on affordable Aircraft for matching increasing demand in regions that have been plagued by climate change, drought and fires over the past years. Everyone is now on the move to optimize portfolios and costs given the very unique circumstances and to be ready in case the economic crisis will follow the virus straightaway. Owners and registrations will change and PPI requests will stay a relevant focus for technical consultants and EASA Part 145 entities. Those with global reach, full certification and regional presence will be in clear advantage to support right there where the prospective client is in need.

SAC Business Review

– Various inspections and appraisals for Commercial & Private Aircraft, Engines and Rotorcraft in Europe, Middle East and East Asia as part of our portfolio management solutions or on ad-hoc request.

– Asset Management related support for the airline sector in East Asia and Africa to enable on-time redeliveries of narrow and wide body aircraft to their respective lessors.

– Continuing Airworthiness Management Support of the European lessor community with regards to relocation, registration and documentation for redelivered Aircraft.

– Professional assistance in the ASEAN region refinancing a fleet of narrow body freight aircraft to cope with the increased cargo demand caused by COVID 19 and the boom of ecommerce shipments.

– PPI support for various international clients to facilitate transactions for assets currently positioned in Central Europe.

Meet the SAC Team

Name: Brahim Naji
Job Title: Senior Aircraft Airworthiness Inspector & Deputy Postholder CAMO+
Location: SAC Headquarters, Hünenberg, Switzerland

Brahim Naji

For how long have you been with the company and why did you join?
“I joined the company on 01 September 2009 to build up a full-scale and authorized CAMO.”

What do you like most about your current role?
“I am passionate about Aviation and the Aircraft as asset. My current role is to act as aircraft inspector – a responsibility I like most. I am travelling to many different places and always meet new interesting people. Above all, since I started my career in aviation in 1967 I have been able to see different designs, new technologies and innovative interior configurations that are so characteristic for business jets.”

What has been your favourite project so far?
“The challenge of inspecting three Q400 in-between flights in Kazakhstan over three days in three different cities (Almaty, Nur Sultan and Atyrau). Another interesting project was the inspection of three helicopters in Africa over three days in three different countries (South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia). And finally the inspection of three Boeing B737-300 in Sofia, Bulgaria.”

List five hashtags that describe your personality.
# hard-working, #kind , #calm, # generous, #helpful

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
“I enjoy spending time with my grandchildren, hiking in the forest during the weekend, and playing poker with friends. I also enjoy a good Cuban cigar after dinner.”

Merry X-Mas and Season’s Greetings

Dear customers,

SAC would like to thank all of you for networking with us and for awarding us with valuable contracts, especially in a demanding year like 2020. The pandemic crisis demonstrated how reliable business relationships can be. We want to thank you for your trust in our services and wish you and your beloved ones some peaceful days and relaxing hours despite the Virus still dictating our everyday world. It will go away. We are looking forward to new tasks and projects in 2021!

Please be aware that our office in Switzerland will be closed from December 21 to January 6. Urgent matters? No worries, please contact us via mobile phone or the regular office number (+41 41 798 21 00). We will be at your service